Saturday, May 25, 2013

SweatFest in Texas...and BBQ recipes too!

Nope, that's not the name of a cool, local 5K....
it's the description I have for these hot and humid Texas temps and it's only the end of May!  YIKES!  It is literally like running through a bowl of hot exaggeration!  It's BRUTAL!  BUT no excuses, you make time and put in the energy to get it done :)

On Thursday it was 6.2 miles, yesterday Bob Harper's Cardio Conditioning. Today I was able to push out 4.2 sweaty miles but let me tell ya I was sticky and dripping by the time I was done!  
And you are so welcome for this sweaty pic to follow :) 
Weekly Workouts:  I have been alternating Bob Harper's 4 pack of DVD's that I purchased at Target!  They include the Ultimate Cardio workout that I already owned, but it was worth the four-pack purchase!  Great workouts!! I HIGHLY recommend!  Even if you must start small, pause the video and modify to your fitness level, it's a great series!  TWO THUMBS UP!

UA SWAG!!!  
I was so excited when this package arrived on my doorstep!  It totally made my day.  
It's the goodies I received from Under Armour since I am a participant in their #whatsbeautiful campaign!  If you haven't heard, UA is striving to make ALL WOMEN FEEL STRONG AND BEAUTIFUL!  It's time we give ourselves credit for the beautiful, strong women that we are right?  RIGHT!  
Not too late to sign up to join my team, just go HERE for details! 
 and of course I had to model my gear before yesterday's workout!  SO fun!  The shoes are SO comfy and look at those colors...what's not to love?!  The tank was so comfy and was very sweat-friendly!  I love the headbands, so stylish and functional!  A great reminder that we are ALL #whatsbeautiful.  
**Thank you Under Armour for helping me find another load of's what I need to really push me to reach and exceed more health and fitness goals!  
It's never time to stop reaching goals, so if you reach one...set another, and another :) 

Our newest obsession?  Ezekiel english muffins!  Great flavor and texture!  I might like these more than the bread.  
These are delicious...hard to find around here, but delicious!  The first time we tried, we ate one each but we soon realized that they are thick and filling so limiting to half of one is perfect to go with egg/egg whites and whatever else you can think of!  

My family all met up at a restaurant to celebrate my cousins 16th birthday and it was an Italian restaurant with LOTS of carb-loaded
 My husband and I decided to split a PIZZA!!!!  Yes a PIZZA!!!  
That delicious masterpiece is topped with zucchini slices, arugula and a little ricotta.  Thin crust and very light!  Tasted ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!  We haven't had pizza in ages because I was afraid after eating so healthy, the rich and fattening pizza toppings would upset my tummy :( so I figured I'd take the risk the other night and it was worth it.  It didn't have red sauce and not full of flavor but just delicious!  We ordered an arugula salad for appetizer so lots of arugula for us that night!  Ha!  We figured we did pretty good considering my family all ordered creamy pasta and shrimp, pizza topped with Italian sausage and peppers, etc!  Who cares though, every now and they we gotta splurge right?  

And hope you guys are planning to have a great Memorial Day weekend, but here's some light and healthy recipes from Fitness Magazine. to share with family and friends so your weekend is filled with healthy eats too!  

Pork and Veggie Kabobs recipe HERE plus more!  
8 healthy BBQ recipes that'll sure make your celebration a success this weekend :)  ENJOY!!!!

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