Friday, June 28, 2013

i am enough.

Jill @Fitness, Health and Happiness is onto something and I hope you'll join me as we discover once and for all that we are ENOUGH!

For me it's an ongoing battle with myself every day.  To be enough.  
I will go workout, push myself hard and come home feeling like...geez, I have a long way to go.  
I wish I could see faster results.   
I wish I ran at a faster pace.
I wish I could run for a longer distance without giving out.
I wish my tummy was flatter.
I wish I would've found a healthier lifestyle earlier in my life.
I wish I was shorter.
...and the list goes on and on.  

It's exhausting!!
I am tired of feeling less than enough.  
I am tired of telling myself look how far you've come, only to beat myself up the next day.
I want to be ENOUGH.  I AM ENOUGH.  And you are too!
We are all enough and it's about time we believed it!
So, please join me and read more about her campaign HERE and I hope you'll consider joining in and spreading the word too!
This goes right along with the Under Armour #whatsbeautiful campaign by helping all women feel confident, beautiful and we all are!  

I know for me, I have a huge issue with self-confidence and feeling beautiful and it's not fun.  I want to walk into a room with confidence and think to myself, 
You bust your butt in your workouts, you prepare healthy foods for yourself and your family, BE PROUD!  But it never fails, I'll feel as though someone is staring at how tall I am, a wobbly body part or my flabby tummy and I FREAK!  
Then all those demons come creeping back into my life...slowly.  WELL, NO MORE!!!  
Today will be different.

There's a fine line between wanting to get healthy and feeling beautiful.  
I truly believe we should all put our health as a priority.  If we're overweight, eat a poor diet, rarely exercise...well, that needs improvement and it must be fixed.  
However if we are in good shape, eat healthy and exercise daily, what's not to LOVE??  
What's to not be proud of??

Let's do this together!  Are ya with me??  


  1. I love this Marissa! And I have to say that most women want to be taller;) off to check out Jill's post:)

  2. Love this! I read it earlier on Jill's blog and think it's fabulous! We all struggle with feeling like we are not enough. We need to believe in ourselves!!!

  3. Replies
    1. I just keep repeating it to myself!!!! And we sure are :-)

  4. I owe it not only to myself to conquer these "If only...." demons but also to my two girls who are looking to me for guidance. We all are enough!!!

  5. I love it. I feel this way and it makes me upset. I look at my yoga pictures and always find something I need to work on. Definitely a work in progress and getting better everyday.

  6. I hear you shouting Marissa!!

    I get so excited reading posts like this.

    All that we do really makes no sense to beat ourselves up or sell ourselves short. No more!

    Thanks for this post and your support Marissa :)

  7. Me again :)

    Would you mind linking up your post here?

