Monday, July 29, 2013


Before we talk BANANAS...
lets talk about CHANGE.
It's never too late for it.
It comes with hard work and dedication.  
Change isn't easy.
BUT CHANGE is worth it.  We are ALL worth it.  

When my husband and I first met, I was at the top of my game.  I was teaching aerobics, eating healthy, lost 84lbs and was already on my weight loss journey... 

BUT when I say the journey is forever and there is NO finish line
I am speaking from experience...

I allowed my old habits to take control as life's changes came our way.  My first son was born, I became a Mom and things fell apart.  I was working full-time and felt like the "easy" way was fast food and microwavable meals! Blah!!  Oh if only I would've known what I know now...
but we live and learn right?

October 2009

July 2013

Our life experiences and struggles with weight have helped shape us into who we are...and obviously helped fuel my passion for helping people find a healthy way of life so I can't regret or dwell on the past :)  We make the decision each day to live have the occasional splurge while keeping things reasonable.  We devote the time and energy it takes to keep our family eating and living healthy too!  After all, we must teach them while they're young to appreciate their heart, their health and show them how to take care of it!  

Don't let the fear of CHANGE control you.
Take control of your life and what you want out of it.

Although I never allowed a majority of my weight to come back on, I do regret those times of "quitting" and not truly living my healthiest life.  I allowed those "bumps" in the road to make me lose focus on what matters and what's important.  I am a much happier and healthier Mom, wife, daughter and friend when I am eating healthy and exercising regularly!
What about you?  What makes you feel your best?

-Some recipes I'll be trying this week and I hope you will too!

Banana Bites:
1 ripe banana
1 tbs natural PB
1 tsp plain Greek yogurt

Cut banana into small slices.  Place PB and yogurt into ziploc bag and combine by mashing together in baggie.  Cut tip as if it were icing and squeeze mixture onto banana slices.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and ENJOY!  I think my kids will LOVE these :) and we will too!

Banana Oat Cookies:
1 c oats
1 ripe banana
2-3 tsp dark chocolate chips
Mix together, bake at 350 until brown.  ENJOY!  
These seem so simple and delicious!  

**Both above options are great for on the go, kid-friendly for after school snacking too!**

Tropical Banana Salad:
1 cup fresh spinach or spring mix 
1/2 small purple onion-diced
1 cup fresh pineapple
2 ripe bananas
handful of chopped walnuts
*calls for poppyseed dressing, but I'm thinking I'll modify here to save on calories and fat.  

Frozen, chocolate-dipped bananas:
4 ripe bananas, peeled and cut into thirds
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips-melted
1/4 shredded coconut

Insert popsicle stick into each piece of banana.  Cover or dip into melted chocolate and then sprinkle with coconut- you can use walnuts or other topping if your family does not like coconut.  Place bananas on parchment paper, on baking sheet and put in freezer for 2 hours.  Enjoy!  
*If the chocolate chips harden during the dipping process, microwave in 20 sec increments as needed for reheating purposes.     


  1. Awesome post Marissa! You're such an inspiration! And I'm loving the banana recipes! I love me some bananas!!!

  2. You and the hubs look amazing! Way to go! We've been loving bananas too. I found a yummy-looking recipe on Pinterest for "fried" bananas- bananas sautéed in honey and cinnamon. I can't wait to try them!

  3. Great post Marissa. You and your hubby look terrific! Love the recipes too. I just bought some bananas last night so these will be fun to try.

  4. BOTH of you look fantastic!! Perfect timing on the bananas post as I have a whole bunch that are "ripe"!! Why do I always buy bananas right before we head out of town for a few days? Always come back to brown...

  5. Awesome!

    Best thing I ever did was start taking care of myself :)

  6. I am on such a banana kick right now! Thanks for sharing!

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