Wednesday, July 17, 2013

my foods and a Bulu update!

I have a confession.  
My diet needs work. 

We all know that January 2nd turned over a new leaf.  I started buckling down with my foods and workouts and I've lost 27lbs since that day!  I am very proud of what I have accomplished but still would like to see more results and become my healthiest self....
to do that, my diet needs work!  

I have been using MyFitnessPal to calculate my foods and workouts-calories burned, net, etc.  
Last night as I entered my weekly eats and workouts, I noticed a RED statement below my diary, saying I have not met calorie goals and am eating too few calories.  YIKES!  
Now keep in mind, too few calories can be just as hurtful as too many so I need to get this figured out ASAP.  
I am suppose to know this, right?  I mean, I did go to school to study exercise and health...shouldn't I know how to get this perfect?  Whoops :(  
The tough part is that I'm not 100% sure what needs changing but today, I will work on it.  

But this is a good reminder for all of us, HEALTHY LIVING IS A JOURNEY! 

The start line is only the beginning and there is no finish line.  We may think we have it all figured out, but really...we don't at all.  As we change and our bodies change, our needs change.  We may need more calories, less workouts or more protein-less fat.  It's always changing and as soon as we reach our "goal", we find a new GOAL and we keep climbing- Move It Momma

So that's what I'm doing today, finding a new goal

GOAL 1:  To complete my second half marathon on Oct 27th, 20 minutes faster than my finish time in 2012.

GOAL 2:  To get my calories on track!  It's tricky but something tells me that I'll get it figured out soon.  

To give you an idea of how I started my day, 

2 cups coffee with creamer-sorry I can't drink it black :(
Today's Breakfast:  1 slice Ezekiel sesame bread, 2 egg whites, 1 tbs neufchael cheese and a clementine.  
Snack: Wasa with flaxseed, 1 low fat string cheese and a small apple
Snack 2: handful natural almonds and a protein smoothie using Designer Whey sustained energy vanilla bean, 1/2 banana and handful of raspberries.  

Today's Workout:  weights and the bag!  I hit the bag in 5 minute intervals.  5 on the bag, 10 on weights, 5 on bag, 10 weights...keeps my heart rate up and keeps my muscles BURNING!

and Yesterday's Workout was running with my boys!  We managed to push out 3 miles in the heat and humidity before the rain.  Yes we needed rain around here to cool things off, but that does bring even more HUMIDITY which is brutal when trying to run.  Ugh.  But we did it and my boys did too!  Afterwards, they were proud of themselves but said they were dripping in sweat and needed a pool in our backyard to cool off!  Maybe someday boys, maybe someday!

I've been loving my UA shoes from the #whatsbeautiful campaign.  Lightweight, super comfy and great for running!  I'm very impressed and look at the color?  I mean, the teal and pink just light up my feet!!  LOVE IT!  During a tough run, it's nice to look down and see happy, bright colors...makes the run a little more bearable :)

BULU BOX UPDATE: All new subscribers will get 50% OFF a 3, 6 and 12-month subscription opposed to only $10 OFF! 
Offer: 3 Months for $15 (regularly $30)
Offer: 6 Months for $30 (regularly $60)
Offer: 12 Months for $60 (regularly $120)
 Bulu Box is a great way to sample products before purchasing a large amount!  
We are always disappointed when we purchase a product and it doesn't live up to the hype, 
Bulu Box eliminates that!  

Here's what came in my box this month!  
Thera-Gesic- a great product that helps heal sore muscles and offer comfort and relief from workouts, or minor aches and pain.
PowerIce-a "popsicle" for recovery!!  
Burn Blend by Shapeology -mimics the effects of high metabolism to help you lose weight fast.
Formula 52 Power Fuel- by TwinLab for pre-training/workouts, sustains energy throughout the workout. tea 
GU Chomps-to help increase our energy to fight through those tough workouts!  I love this stuff!
Please let me know if you have any questions about Bulu Box or the featured products, I'd be happy to help.

Disclosure: I am a Bulu Box Ambassador and receive commission on sale of this product.  No other compensation is received.  All opinions are 100% mine.  

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