Friday, August 16, 2013

GOODIES...and more!

Today's Workout:  30 minute intervals on the elliptical followed by strength training.  Whatever your workout of choice, put your heart and soul into it.  You get out what you put into it.  

Today's EATS:  I am focusing on really getting leaner these coming weeks, so I started the day with 1/2 c cooked oats and four egg whites sprinkled with black pepper.  
I have a HUGE goal of running my second half marathon on Oct 27th and want to beat my previous time by at least 20 minutes.  It's a big goal, but I'm up for the challenge and I know that my eats will have A LOT to do with my success, so here it goes!  
It's a four week challenge, so anything is possible and the sky is the limit.  

Life is SO much more fun when you set goals.  The journey is the best part.  It gives you a challenge, something to fight for each day and makes you feel ALIVE.  What are you waiting for?  CHANGE is always possible.  You MUST go after what you want in life...for yourself and your families.  
Are you up for the challenge?  Are you ready to stop giving up?  STOP saying tomorrow and start TODAY...

who's with me?  

when we arrived back in town from a wonderful week at the lake, I found boxes of goodies on my porch!  Woohoo!!!  Nothing like some healthy freebies to get the day going just right!

First off, it was my DeltaLabs Ambassador treats!  Look at the t-shirts, vitamins, gym bag and shhh there's a giveaway in that bag for one of YOU!!!  Details coming soon...

Then it was some new products from Special K!
Their new line of on-the-go oatmeal and some protein bars for a quick breakfast on the go!  Great for those chaotic mornings where there's no time to cook!
And lastly, the new Lean1 vanilla protein powder!  Yum, can't wait to try!

And if you don't follow me on Instagram, you probably missed one of my delicious camping foods!  Ha, it was leftover steak, sliced and used as a topping on my bed of lettuce and a 1/2 cup of long grain brown rice!  yum!  With a side of apple, of course!  Not your typical camping food but it sure hit the spot :)

Before we left for our trip, dinner the evening before was low carb burritos!  A quick dinner idea for the entire family.  I prepare brown rice with water, as usual.  I add 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp chili powder, 1 tsp margarine, stir and SERVE!  Simple and tastes delicious....while being a great alternative to the traditional Spanish rice.  Enjoy :)  
That's a dollop of plain Greek yogurt, 1/3 avocado-sliced, 1/2 c brown rice and two Mission SMALL fajita size tortillas filled with black beans!  My entire family loves burrito night and think about how many calories you're saving preparing it and enjoying it this way...

Okay and to give ya a giggle or TWO...
that's me riding the saddle in Luckenbach, Texas!  It was SO cool to make this legendary stop on our way to Fredericksburg and have a beer...and ride the saddle, of course!  Why not?  Such a cool place that you only hear about in Country songs :)


  1. Love finding fun stuff on my porch!! You scored:)

  2. All looks yummy and delicious! Did you run into Waylon, Willie and the boys? ;)
