Friday, August 9, 2013

Reebok Spartan Race GIVEAWAY...and more exciting news!

Some exciting news...
Spartan Race has partnered with NBC Sports to bring obstacle racing to television!  

"Spartan Race and NBC Sports Network are collaborating on a television special which will feature the World Championship and focus on the sport of obstacle racing. This event, the culmination of the 2013 Reebok Spartan Race Series, will take place on September 21-22, 2013, in scenic central Vermont, near Spartan Race HQ in Pittsfield.

Tens of thousands of obstacle racing competitors and enthusiasts from around the world will converge on New England, where$250,000 in cash and prizes will be on the line. At the World Championship, top-ranked Reebok Spartan Race athletes, Olympians, and amateur athletes alike will compete side-by-side, assuming they have the brawn, guts and intestinal fortitude.

Spartan Race has partnered with NBC Sports Group to chronicle the amazing people and stories behind the race series and the World Championship, culminating in a 90-minute TV special that will air on the NBC Sports Network on October 19, 2013.

**Share your story about how Reebok Spartan Race has changed your life, for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to represent Spartan on camera at the World Championship Race in Vermont!"

In honor of this exciting news, Reebok Spartan Race has offered one lucky reader a FREE entry into any open heat in any 2013-2014 upcoming race event in the U.S!

"Spartan Race is on a mission to get you active, healthy, excited about change, and return to our ancient roots where running through woods, getting dirty, and facing adversity was part of everyday life. Our events are all about challenging today’s perception of normal.

Our events challenge the familiar, today’s perception of normal living and getting you out of your comfort zone! At Spartan Race, we do this everyday and it shapes everything we do.

Having experienced many different racing events, we wanted to make adventure racing more accessible to everyone, but do not be fooled by the word ‘accessible’, as our events have a challenge for everyone’s needs.

Spartan Race now introduces a level for everyone beginning with the entry level Spartan Sprint, intermediate level Super Spartan, the advanced Spartan Beast, and the ‘99.9% need not apply’ extreme level Death Race. 

Whatever your level, Spartan Race will test your strength, stamina, and sense of humor."

1. "Like" The Move It Momma on Facebook HERE (1 entry)
2. Tell me why you'd like to race the Spartan Race series (1 entry)

other entries-after completing MANDATORY:
Share on FB, Tweet, Instagram or blog this giveaway ( 2 extra entries for each)
-please include the link in your comments separately for each that you complete!

Good luck!
Giveaway will end August 23rd!

And if you don't WIN, Reebok Spartan Race is also offering my readers a 15% discount!
This URL will generate a code for 15% off any Spartan Race -


  1. I want to run, because my kids want to do it too!! Get's super expensive when there are 5 of us!

  2. i need a goal to encourage me to work out.

  3. I like you and I need a new goal. This would be great to work towards with hubby!

  4. I like you and I need a new goal. This would be great to work towards with hubby!
