Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The word simple can be deceiving because YES it will take a lot of work but I do have a point :) so hang in there-

Your health is a commitment.  
A commitment to yourself. 
You deserve it.

You compete against no other person but yourself.
That can be simple, right?
It's a way of thinking and once you change it up and focus on the positive, it can be done! Once and for all.

Is anybody else tired of starting over?  I sure was.  It was a cycle for me and I'd move ahead, only to fall short and end up further back than I started.  Yuck.

Nobody is out to get you, the world is not waiting for you to fail but if you focus on the negative, it will control your life.
I always started things by saying, "I can't do it but I'll try"....almost as if I had given up before starting.

If you show up and dedicate the time and effort to exercise and to eating healthy meals you have WON half of the battle...pretty simple right?  
**At the same time, I have NEVER once said losing weight, healthy eating and workouts are SIMPLE.  
THEY ARE NOT!  I struggle with foods every, single day of my life...I always will.  BUT the choice is simple, isn't it?  To commit to the process and NEVER GIVE UP?    Yes, that seems doable?  We must train ourselves to think differently:  
Food is fuel to energize our bodies to perform, to MOVE...we were designed to MOVE and be our best selves...  It is NOT a friend, something to lean on when things get hard, it's not an emotion and it's certainly doesn't define who you are.  When our foods are BALANCED, the workouts want to follow...don't ask me how, it just happens!  Your body will want to MOVE MORE and SIT LESS.  You are fueled therefore your body has more energy, stamina...you are a NEW YOU!  Ta Da :)

It's not about a fix, a "diet", a decision to start walking the neighborhood...it's about the BALANCE.  A way to make healthy living a part of your life...to change your way of thinking and living!  No, I'm not asking you to change who you are I'm just asking you to allow healthy foods and workouts into your life and the lives of your family and friends.  

Some recipes to share:
Move It Momma Baked Quesadillas-
High fiber low carb Ole brand tortilla
Ground turkey sautéed with onion and garlic
1/4 c 2% cheese blend
* I added black beans to our boys, left off of ours
Avocado slices
Lettuce, chopped
5oz Plain Greek yogurt mixed with 1tsp dry ranch packet
Combine turkey and cheese and add into tortilla, fold over and Bake at 400 for 25minutes or until crisp and bubbly
Serve with chopped Romaine and Greek mixture. YUM ;) 

Move It Momma NAAN pizzas-
Trader Joes NAAN whole wheat bread
Low sodium-fully cooked turkey meatballs-I'd normally use fresh ground turkey but in a time crunch sometimes cutting corners works on busy evenings!
Steamed veggies 
Organic no salt/sugar sauce
Layer pizzas with toppings, Bake at 350 for 20 minutes! 
I added 2% cheese to the boys, left off of ours!

And a challenge that we can do TOGETHER!!! Momma's, I hope you're ready to take on the challenge, exceed your goals and push yourself further than before! Who's with me?