Sunday, November 10, 2013


When that train is right in front of us, we have a choice.  To hop on or let it once again, pass us by?
Focus on GETTING ON, not the long road ahead.  
Climbing aboard is sometimes the hardest step, isn't it?
Climb up and hang on!  
It will have ups, downs and all around but each step is WELL worth it.  
Trust in that and keep pushing forward.  

That road can seem endless so it may be difficult to see what you're fighting for.  
Take each day at a time and focus on the fact that you were brave enough and determined to get ON!  

YES we should be healthy for us but what about our families?   
If we have triggers all around us, won't it make it harder to succeed?  Get the family on board as well :)
Not only to ensure your success but we want our children to be healthy from a young age right?  
If we are practicing healthy behaviors but our kids are raiding the chip that effective?  
YES there's a fine line because we don't want to deprive our children but at the same time if it's not in the house as often-they will not go to it as often :)  Simple as that.  BUT you must show them that there are everyday foods and there are special/treat foods!  They are called TREATS for a reason, aren't they?!

If I'm prepared on the go, I am less likely to grab the unhealthy options, I'll be less hungry when I finally get around to meal time at home.  I will want to stop, grab something crunchy and most-likely unhealthy so I make a promise to myself and take the extra 5 minutes a day to PREPARE!

The other day was brown rice rice cakes from Trader Joes.  Very yummy, full of flavor and extra delicious topped with almond butter and cinnamon :)  
The foods do not have to take hours.  Most of my options are quick and take less than 5 minutes.

I am proud to represent such a fabulous company.  I love their focus, their clothing and so much more.  These pants are AMAZING!  So comfy, handled my long workout so nicely and I'd wear them everyday if possible :)??  But I guess I should wash them every now and then?! Ha!

And #moveitmommas are at it again!  Each week I look forward to this group.  There are days when some cannot make it, others bring new friends, new kids arrive with their Mommas and more!  Each and every day is a new adventure, ya never know what these ladies will do next!  
So often these women will say to me, they have had no energy to play with their children, they have been told something cruel by other women, that they wanna give up because so many attempts have only led them to failure...
I want to change all of that.  If they will put themselves out there, CLIMB ON BOARD and put forth the effort-they will never want to look back!  This time they can say NEVER AGAIN!!!  
and we'll do that TOGETHER!

disclosure:  I was asked to sample the Athleta compression pants and was given a free pair as part of the FitFluential campaign.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are 100% mine.  

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