Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Turkey TIME!

It's that time of year again!  
Time to bake the turkey, glaze the ham and EAT!  But that doesn't mean that you have to throw in the towel.  There are ways to keep your holidays well-balanced...and with the help of The Doctors, 
maybe this Thanksgiving will be a healthy, happy success! 

I'm frequently asked, "What do you eat for Thanksgiving and Christmas?"  The answer is simple.  I keep things balanced throughout the year, so the holidays aren't any different.  While there are plenty of UNhealthy options out there at your family gatherings, if you stay prepared and focused-you'll have a great time with family while being able to button your pants the following day :)

Some tips:  BE PREPARED, as always.  Bring some healthy options for snacking!  This way you avoid being too hungry when the meal is served.  Munching on raw veggies and fruit before the meal, while drinking water is a great way to fill up before hitting the carb-loaded side dishes.  Make sure you take the skin off of the turkey and watch your portions...but most importantly, ENJOY YOURSELF, MAKE MEMORIES AND HAVE FUN!  

Three Quick Tips to Avoid Overeating on Thanksgiving:
· Eat Walnuts: Eat a handful before your meal. They will help fill you up, and the antioxidants can improve your artery function and reduce inflammation.
· Limit yourself to two alcoholic drinks: Alcohol removes your inhibitions, so if you drink before you eat, you're going to overeat.
· Sit down and chew your food: You will enjoy your food more if you chew it slowly.
Healthy Holiday Snacking Tips:
Beware of foods loaded with butter and cheese: Steamed broccoli is healthy and low in fat, but when smothered in cheese and butter, it can pack an additional 215 calories and 16 grams of fat in just one cup!
Watch out for salads: Leafy greens and salads seem like a healthy choice, but when loaded with high-fat, high-cholesterol cheeses and dressing, such as a Cobb salad, these verdant concoctions contain more than 1,000 calories and 71 grams of fat!
Avoid saturated fats and fried foods: These are guaranteed to heavily increase the calorie count. Opt for baked options, rather than fried and reach for lean meats such as white turkey.
Beat-the-Bloat Tricks for Feeling Less Full:
· Wear a watch: Keeping track of time and eating slower will help you notice when you’re getting full. Wait a couple minutes before returning for seconds – this will give your body the chance to digest food intake.
· Drink Water: This may seem like a no-brainer, but drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you eat 20% few calories. If you feel bloated, have a glass of peppermint tea instead, which helps prevent the feeling of being extremely full.
· Incorporate papaya and pineapple: These super foods have digestive enzymes that assist with digestion and help you feel less full after a large meal.

*Tune in to THE DOCTORS (check your local listings) for more tips for a healthy holiday season.
Disclosure: BWR PR shared this information with me to share with my readers.  No compensation was received.  


  1. I admit it, I LOVE Thanksgiving and despite my best efforts, eat way too much. It is just all so good and my Mom makes the best things and a lot of things. I always want a scoop of everything. YUM. I just make sure to run in the morning and the day after.

  2. Great tips!! I usually take small servings of everything and still manage to fill my plate!! My trick is to wear jeans are a little tight still so it is a physical reminder not to overeat!!!

  3. I'm like Christy, I run every T-day morning so that I don't feel quit so bad about indulging;) I have to say I go in thinking I am going to eat a ton, but after one plate I am so full, I usually can't eat any more.

  4. Great tips! Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite so I need all the help I can get!
