Monday, March 31, 2014

a dream...

Those that know me are aware of my passion to help others.  
They saw me struggle with weight from an early age.  
No matter my weight, they always knew me as a fun, full of life girl that always cared about making others smile, even when I was doubting myself on the inside.

When I started losing weight in college, I changed everything in my life.  Although I was on my way to completing my degree in Journalism(which I did finish!), I was finding a new passion.  Something that kept me awake at night and pushing hard throughout the day.  I wanted to know all there was to know about living healthy.  
It was a new feeling for me.  I was able to find accomplishment through pushing my body and mind hard.  I was overcoming my food issues through exercise.  
I was finding healthy foods to crave rather than the fast food I had grown to love for years.  
With my personal changes, I was learning that the road was TOUGH.
It wasn't easy to go at it alone so I reached out for support and while I met great people that were encouraging, I still felt ALONE.

Fast forward to January 2013.  
I allowed life's bumps to grab hold and take control in my life.  Big or small, I allowed them to defeat me which led to weight gain.  
As I've said before, BALANCE must be found and maintained.  
We cannot lose it, find it, lose it, find it again...we must strive to KEEP IT.  
I bounced back in the game and this time I was for real.  
Determined and ready to conquer the world :)

I was on a roll, taking back my life once again I told myself frequently as I lay in bed at night...

I want to create a workout group for women by women that makes each of them feel empowered, strong and like she can do ANYTHING!  I want it to be a place where women feel comfortable, free and a place where they get to put themselves FIRST for a change.  I want to share my story, my struggles and accomplishments with these women so that they are no longer fearful of the journey ahead...
I want ALL women to feel like their goals matter.  
No obstacle is too large if we have one another.  
And them BAM!  My ah ha moment had arrived...

I would call ourselves The Move It Mommas.  
It seemed perfect to go along with my "Move It Momma" name I had made for myself via social media and my website, so now what to do?
I guess I should advertise and see what happens?
Day 1, I had one person show up ready to push hard and WE DID.  It was great.
Day 2, I had another lady show up and we pushed hard that day as well.
It was AWESOME!  No matter if it was 1 or 1,000...I was living my dream or so I thought?

By week 2, they were starting to come and join me.  

A few more weeks and our numbers were steadily growing.
We were having FUN!  I believe that I made sure the environment was right and that we always encourage NEVER discourage.  
As I say, this road is hard enough as it is, we must support one another and NEVER QUIT!

A Move It Momma's Christmas party?  WHY YES!
We were a group of women that believed in one another so why not celebrate?  
It was a blast and these women are forever in my hearts...all of them.  
Victories big and small should be celebrated and we make sure to do that each day.
Accountability is SO important when it comes to healthy living and weight loss.  We NEED one another to succeed and then as we accomplish our goals, we can congratulate one another and find motivation in each other!

We've had field trips...
MANY field trips and each time it's an adventure!

My cousin, owner of Furia Training Center loves hosting the Move It Momma's on those chilly, rainy days...

This particular day, our kids joined us for a school holiday!  19 children in attendance to either workout or play on the playground while we pushed hard.  
Our children SEE our example.  
We are their role model and they look to us for guidance.
This strong group of women, whether they know it or not, is impacting their families for years to come.

Move It Momma's decided we'd race together too!
Turkey Trot 2013!  
We celebrated Thanksgiving with a 5K race.
For some it was their first race, for others they just wanted to get out there and have FUN!
And FUN we had...obviously t-shirts were made as well!  Yay the birth of our Move It Momma tee!  

Some days we have TOO many Momma's and we gotta squeeze in to get a workout!  But we don't mind.  As long as we're moving and motivating one another with a smile on our face...that's all that matters!

All of my Move It Mommas are like family to me.  They listen to the stories I tell, and as we share struggles or accomplishments, we ALL listen.  I think that's so important.  Never to pass judgement but to listen.  Working out can be such a huge release.  Our stresses can melt away with an hour calorie burn so we use the time after workout to reflect.  If we need to share our victories or about a bad weekend of junk food splurging...we do.  And we all listen.  

Some have run their first half marathon with our group.  
Or first 10k or 5k!  
We set a goal and we CHASE IT!  
With us it's not about how fast or slow, it's about finishing.  It's about NEVER QUITTING.
I had a track record of giving up on myself for fear of failure.  I was notorious for gaining and losing weight, losing that FIGHT deep inside.  But not now...not anymore.
These women INSPIRE me.
They say I am their leader, their "Head Momma" but they inspire me more than they'll ever know.  Some of these women come to see me four days a week, while others come when they can just to say hello and workout with us on occasion due to busy schedules and life's busy moments!
Regardless, we are a family.
Always willing to let a new woman, a new Momma make their way into our group and lives.  
We impact one another's lives each day.
Through one another, we can see that failure is NOT an option.
We look around and see young, older, tall, short, thin, heavy and we see STRENGTH.
Some days it's enough just committing to walking up to an unfamiliar situation.
Women can be intimidating and mean so we find ourselves on the defense in many situations.
I will NEVER allow our group to feel threatened or hurt.  
We will fight every day to better our health, our lives and the lives of our family and friends.  
I set out to make a difference and make their journey just a BIT easier and I hope that I am doing that.  
I love you all, my strong, fearless and beautiful Move It Mommas!!!!

This group, these women...they make all of those years of being overweight, lacking confidence and fearing was all worth it.  I am able to relate and share my stories with them to somehow make a difference and help them see that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.  

1 comment:

  1. Such a great group, you have done awesome with it and they are lucky to have you!
