It's the only title that seemed appropriate since I just found out that my Move It Momma's WON the Macaroni Kid-League City/Clear Lake Gold Daisy Award for
Best Mommy Run Business/Workout group, read about it here!
I'd say that I won since it is my business but I owe it ALL to these ladies...
They show up every day ready to change their lives. Ready to live healthy for themselves, their families and one another! They push hard, they set goals and exceed them, they lean on each other for support, they look to me for hope and I offer all that I can.
My heart and soul is left in our workouts each day.
I work hard for me, for them and for the girl I used to be-the one that ALWAYS gave up on herself because it was all she knew.
Not these ladies though, NO WAY. They are fighters...
We are all different ages, shapes and sizes but we will always welcome YOU with open arms.It's not about first or last, fastest or fittest...
It's about getting back up after being knocked down time and time again.
It is about finding strength within ourselves when we lose hope.
It is about putting ourselves first, our health first while still doing so much for our families.
It's about setting the example for our children, family and friends who seem afraid to seek change.
It is about showing our children why healthy eating and exercise are SO important!
It is about believing in ourselves and one another.
We are stronger together and will NEVER QUIT
Whatever life throws our way, we fight back together...hand in hand, burpee after burpee! Ha!
This group has turned into my dream come true.
All I want is for women to feel strong, healthy and not feel threatened when trying to change their life and start or continue their journey.
MORE than I dreamed it would be because of them, not me.
All that I do is share my knowledge, passion, story, struggles and triumphs with them and listen to theirs as well.
We all struggle and that's the beauty of this group.
We SHARE the bad stuff too...
We don't hide behind it or try to be something that we're not.
We have issues with food, we talk about it.
We have insecurities when we look into the mirror,
we discuss it.
We keep quitting on ourselves and making excuses but don't know why, we put it out there!
We have ALL felt defeated at some time in our lives and pushing through it and rising above is SO much easier with the right support and encouragement!
I am nobody special...
Just a girl who was overweight most of her life.
I hid my emotions in food and it showed.
I changed my life slowly by finding people that believed in me and by finally believing in myself.
The road has had its bumps but EVERY struggle is worth it knowing that it led me to the place I am today.
Helping other women do the same...
What greater job can there be?
While my dreams are SO big for this group, this is simply incredible...
to be recognized for sharing my passion with others.
That is what I do.
I am proud, honored, amazed and happy :) TRULY HAPPY
Some of these ladies have been with me day in and out from the beginning, others pop in when things settle down at home, and then we have new Momma's joining us each week!
There is NO greater gift than the gift of sharing our passion with others.
All those years of defeat and failure...failed diet attempts 1,2,3 and so on...
It is ALL worth it when I look into the eyes of these Momma's,
when I see sweat dripping off of their chin but they shout to me "I will never quit"
when I see them look around and feel confident knowing they are NOT alone on this journey...
THAT is all that I need to keep doing what I am doing!
Thank you to my readers (that's YOU!!) for your love, support and kind words throughout this journey...
It ALL started with this blog!
I mean I did name them the Move It Momma's :)
For some reason you all see hope in me, through my experiences and words and that means so much to me every day.
If I can be a tiny part of your journey or inspire you in some way then I've done more than I set out to do...I always told myself if I could change ONE life then I'd be forever grateful and it seems as though I am doing more than that...much, much more than that and I am WOW!...
just WOW!
While I never imagined that studying Exercise and Health in college would bring me to leading the Move It Mommas, it feels SO right. Like it was meant for me :) and while I do miss teaching Physical Education and Health to children and miss working with patients in cardiac heart is with these women. The women of our community that need a place to feel NO judgement, just encouragement.
I hope I can be that for many more...
Ok back to business...
Quick, easy and HEALTHY foods to get you through this week:
Steamed artichoke drizzled in Trader Joes Red Wine and Olive Oil Vinaigrette!
Simple and AMAZINGLY delicious. Tender and juicy and my four year old LOVED it!
Pour 1 cup water into pot, bring water to a boil. Cut sharp edges off of leaves and place whole artichoke into water, cover and steam/simmer until leaves are tender. Drain water and drizzle with dressing of choice-not too much :)
Don't forget about the artichoke heart in the center-delicious!!!
Effortless breakfast today:
2 caramel rice cakes, one topped with 1 tbs PB and other topped with 1 tbs Neuftchael cheese and both sprinkled with cinnamon and served with a clementine!
Where's the excuse on time consuming here??! and look at that painted toe and flip flop!
...another simple and delicious breakfast in a rush!
5oz Trader Joes Plain Nonfat Greek yogurt-there's is by far best in texture and taste topped with frozen berry medley, Trader Joes High Fiber O's and High Fiber cereal sprinkled in there for added crunch! Both from Trader Joes and taste amazing :)
Breakfast idea #3:
Oats topped with sprinkled cinnamon and sliced banana
This was the breakfast requested by my boys this weekend! If they see YOU eating things like this, they'll be curious and eventually ask for the same...Shhhh, you gotta trust me on this one!
Dinner at my mom's over the weekend:
Trader Joes whole wheat pizza crust, turkey pepperonis, Organic Tuscano sauce (trader joes) and low fat Mozzarella, steamed edamamme and baked green beans! Delicious!
It is SO important to watch portions more than anything.
In my former days, I could turn any health dish into a not-so-healthy dish
just by simply over eating. Sad truth.
Keep in mind to BALANCE all of your foods, making sure there's protein and veggies with most of your meals, if not all.
I look for color on our plates, we use ONLY smaller-appetizer size plates vs. large dinner plates because our eyes play tricks on us. We use larger plates-we most of the time have larger portions and that becomes an issue depending on your calorie consumption for that day or meal.
If I'm still hungry after eating, I drink a glass of water.
My food hasn't digested properly, leaving me "thinking" I'm hungry but chances are after a glass of water, I feel fuller and my food will then settle.
I used to love eating until bloated, full and feeling like my pants needed to be unbuttoned...
that is NOT realistic.
We should not eat until we are sick. That was my biggest problem. Always feeling like the meal wasn't enough...I had to keep eating and eating. A few hours would pass and I'd eat again.
I was confused.
I ate for pleasure rather than FUEL.
I had to change my mind in order to change my life. It is about giving my body key nutrients, not about satisfaction, emotions and pleasure.
It is a conscious decision I make each day when I wake up! I must choose to live healthy, take care of myself, my family and my Move It Mommas EVERY day and I hope you will too :)
Congrats on the award that is awesome!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on a well earned award chickie!!! You have certainly inspired and made a huge difference in your community and in the blogging world too!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Marissa!! So cool:)