Sunday, January 4, 2015

keep it in mind throughout 2015!

Today stop and think about the hype of the new year and new goals that you've made...
Remember how you feel right then and there. 
The excitement and positive thoughts...
The feeling that anything is possible...

You'll have good days and bad but if you:

Soon you'll stop being reminded of losing weight, gym discounts, weight loss supplement commercials won't invade your television and Internet screen non-stop...BUT it's now YOUR responsibility to keep it up.  It's on YOU to keep the motivation, discipline and encouragement.  Nobody else will do it for you and while maybe you started 2015 with several people that we're setting goals right along with you, sadly the chances are...they will jump ship a few months later when things get "tough"...

Each year that has come and gone was a chance for you to change...
did you take advantage of it or let it pass you right on by? 
Or maybe you were like I was for so long.  I had lost so much weight and seemed to be maintaining but maintaining what?  A healthy life?  NOT QUITE. 
In these pictures below I was smoking, eating somewhat healthy which included smaller portions of fast food and less macaroni and cheese but was it healthy?  Was I the picture of health on the inside?  NOT REALLY. 

I set a goal to stop smoking in Jan 2012 and I did it and haven't looked back since but getting  my eating just right was so tough.  While smoking is an addiction, it was far easier to stop that than it was to get my food totally in control 90% of the time.  An emotional day could send me back months if I wasn't careful so my balancing act has been a work in progress since 2013 and it will be for the rest of my life...and I'm okay with it because I go into each day knowing I am capable of change.  I am strong and I know that I can keep pushing and exceeding the goals that I create for myself and my body.  THIS month I will complete my 6th half marathon alongside my husband and fellow Move It Mommas and I couldn't be more excited.  To complete this milestone alongside some of the strongest people I know will be life changing and I'm prepared for that!  
Can't wait to share those experiences with all of you...
Set a goal and let nothing stop you from reaching that goal this year!  

Make 2015 your year to shine and just because all of the hype dies down by mid-Feb doesn't mean you get to quit!  It means you keep going further and you push harder!  That's what separates us from the ones that THINK they want it and the ones that are actually ready to put in all of the hard work, sweat, sore muscles and tears to get there!!!!

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