Saturday, May 23, 2015

I'm learning...

Being the girl full of energy, laughter and motivation sometimes comes with the bad...

I love being that comfort for people.  I love creating a safe environment when it comes to losing weight, getting healthy and also with friendships.  I've always been a person that will listen and help you find the right way to go about things...or I at least try but being so outgoing and full of life comes with the bad as well.  I'll take it though because it means I make the jealous feel vulnerable because I won't stand for being USED...and you shouldn't either.  It's toxic.  It can be just as harmful to your health when your quality of life and the people around you are NOT there for the right it can be to overeat, never exercise or practice other unhealthy behaviors.  The BALANCE I speak of often comes from all aspects of our lives!  We must clear our slate from all bad things and relationships in order to be successful once and for all...

Sadly I've learned over time that people want you there when they NEED you...
They like you there when it's convenient for them and then when they get what they need, they move on...the sad truth.  Fake people will show you who they are almost immediately and it's our choice whether to believe them.  I have learned over time that very few are there because they truly care for us, but more they USE us to get what they want/need.  Once they get what they need from us, it's time to move on and do the same with others.  

As with losing weight and getting healthy, we have a choice. 
We can learn from past mistakes with friendships and get stronger, move past and gain a new understanding of what friendship is all about or we can choose to continue to be mistreated and "used" when the time is right for THAT person or THOSE people.  

I choose to live happy and carefree.  I can't get wrapped up in the drama of it all so I am making the choice to choose carefully.  

Fortunately I have friends that are like sisters to me, there for me through all of life's obstacles but I also have the ones that have used me through the years...and I have to be willing to stand up for what's right and what I deserve.  I feel sorry for those that surround themselves with THESE types of people.  There is NO truth to any of it and unforunately they'll find out the hard way down the line.  I guess these fake people have a sneaky way of manipulating people to get what they want but I'm a firm believer in all things come back around...

Choose to live happy, live healthy and help others by lifting them up rather than dragging them down with you.  Unhappiness is a dark place.  I lived there, I know many that live there now.  It will never end well and will always hurt the people you care most about.  Don't fall victim to the pressures of society.  Do what's right and make good choices when it comes to the people you surround yourself with.  It makes a difference in the success of your weight loss journey or journey to healthy living more than you know.  Part of the journey is weeding through false relationships and finding the people that want you to succeed as well as getting rid of those that would rather see you fail...sadly, both are surrounding you right now and you may or may not know it.  Find it and stay true to the ones that TRULY LOVE AND CARE FOR YOU!  It'll make a huge difference when it comes to your goals and successes in the future, trust me!  

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