Thursday, June 18, 2015

leaving "her" behind

ATHLETIC was never a word you'd use to describe me...
Funny?  Yes.
Always smiling?  Most of the time.
But I can honestly say I feel somewhat athletic these days...

If I knew then what I know now, things would be very different for me.
Feeling athletic and strong is a powerful feeling that nobody can take away from you.
I push hard, exceed my limits and set BIG goals...
and why shouldn't I?
It feels good, a good I never felt in years passed.
Oh how I wish I would've found that spark sooner...but at least I never lived my whole life filled with regret, I stepped into a world I was deathly afraid to see and find and since then, my life is forever changed! 

I made a decision...
And this one was different than the rest, this one had purpose and drive behind it!

My former decisions about weight loss and getting healthy were always made in the moment...
Those decisions NEVER included NOT STAYING WHERE I WAS...
I wanted the quick fix, the latest craze and the newest trend on TV.  It worked for those people in the ads, surely it would work for me...I mean, they wouldn't lie about that stuff!  Ha!

I was content with trying something new but 
ONLY if it meant staying comfortable right where I was...
It's not possible to change, to become better and to be stronger staying where you are in your life right now!  It just isn't...

You must step outside of comfort, you must become vulnerable and no longer fear defeat.  
By not "staying where I was" for so long, I found the athlete within...
and while yes, I'm not a true athlete, I'm athletic because I'm strong, I push my limits and I won't stop at a goal, I will keep going by setting one after the other...after another!!!  

I want you to ignite the fire within but it will take moving from that comfortable spot you have grown to's time to venture away from ordinary and become extraordinary!  And while I sound cheesy on my little soapbox, I am speaking on behalf of the girl who NEVER felt strong, NEVER felt powerful, NEVER felt like she would change, NEVER felt like she would succeed and was ALWAYS afraid to fail...
I looked at that girl staring back at me one day and decided I was ready to move on...
to leave her behind and find who I had wanted to be for SO LONG!  

How will you move toward the better YOU??  START TODAY!!!  

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