In my workout classes we talk A LOT about the journey, the imperfections and the struggles...
I HATE my tummy and my loose skin on my arms and legs BUT...
My imperfections are exactly that...not perfect.
But I didn't have surgeries or other quick fixes to attain my goals...
I've worked my A@& off for every, SINGLE one of them.
On the bad days, I'll destroy myself over them, but on good days I look at them and smile because they remind me of who I used to and who I'll never be again...sometimes we need to be reminded especially when the journey seems so hard and so far away...
And while normally, I'd rip these photos apart-I'm deciding to take the opportunity to let it inspire those of you that can't seem to jump on board to your healthiest life...those that are stuck, frustrated or want to see the negative when it comes to your body and results...or lack thereof.
WE MUST LEARN TO BE THE BEST THAT WE CAN BE...and stop comparing ourselves to that "perfect image" gets us nowhere but defeat and haven't we stayed in defeat territory long enough? I sure did.
For that, I must embrace these imperfections because they brought me where I am today.
I cringe looking at these photos but if I'm here to inspire women to conquer big goals and get healthy once and for all, it's important that they understand that when the journey feels conquered, it may not be that "perfect" image they have in their heads.
What is perfect anyway?
I am strong, healthy, have endurance, have lean muscle,
I push HARD through every that perfect?
I have stretch marks, loose skin, a flabby that perfect? Don't think so...
but it's REAL. It's ME and it's a far better situation than I started with...
My mountain may seem hard to climb certain days but it doesn't mean I give up. When I put on a two piece bathing suit and see EVERY FLAW, does it mean I'm not strong and healthy? NO WAY...
It just means my road to where I am today took a few side turns and had to be re routed on more than one occasion...over a dozen occasions but I'm here and I'll continue to fight to be stronger every day because if we are going to inspire one another, we take the good with the bad...the imperfections help us grow and see where we started...
Here's my "PERFECT"...
My son looked at me in my bathing suit the other day and said, "Mom, what's that?" as he touched my loose skin on my oldest son answered before I could speak...
"That's when Mommy was unhealthy and now she's healthy and teaches other ladies to be healthy too" and when he said that I cried and thought-he's right! It's why I do what I do...
that's as perfect as it gets because if I couldn't relate to the struggle, I wouldn't have the tools to help other women that fight similar battles within themselves. It's who I am and that's why women come to me for support and guidance. Not because of my degree-they are a dime a dozen in this industry but it's because I'm honest with my imperfections and I don't give them a false sense of what the road will be like...
that would be unfair.
We MUST become vulnerable to make change! We cannot expect to stay in our comfort zone and change our lives...
so here's my uncomfortable...out there for all to see...
If THIS is needed to show that we ALL have imperfections, so be it!
I'm SO tired of women destroying themselves verbally
because they aren't what society defines as "perfect"
I say perfect should be a good wife, mother, motivational and strong woman that wants to help every woman see her well as embrace her imperfections.
Because believe it or not, imperfections are beautiful too.
I'm perfect on the inside because I nourish my body, I push my limits with workouts and races...that's what matters isn't it? HOW WE FEEL...because that's what radiates on the outside! THAT is beautiful so today embrace your imperfections and be proud of where you are on your journey to your healthiest life...
That's what makes us all beautiful!!!
I suspect the secret of personal attraction is locked up in our unique imperfections, flaws and frailties. See the link below for more info.