Tuesday, July 7, 2015

raising healthy kids

If you can't seem to find the motivation it takes to improve your health, 
take a moment and think about your children.  If you don't have kids, think about IF you did...and then ask yourself...

What example are YOU setting?

I was unhealthy and overweight for MOST of my life.  This was not my mother's fault, friends or anyone else in my life and my mom tried her very best to help as much as she could, but I struggled where she couldn't relate.  I had emotional "issues" with food. 

As an overweight child, there are many things that "others" do not see.  They don't understand that while it may not be addressed, many children know they are overweight.  They can clearly see that they look different than their peers.  I ALWAYS knew, as long as I can remember, that I was bigger.  If they are anything like me, they have a relationship with food that exceeds, "I'm hungry".  The food became a friend to me and that is where it became dangerous.
I hated exercise, moving and most of that came from the way that I fueled my body. I was fueling improperly which made it difficult to find the energy to move.  

Kids should be KIDS-they should be playing, having fun and moving! They should NOT have to worry about fitting into their clothes, being made fun of in PE, or being the last one to finish their laps.  Encourage your family to MOVE together!  Children can be cruel, so don't let your child's weight gain go unnoticed.  Speak positively and tell them it's about the way they FEEL, NEVER about their physical appearance.  We don't want our children to develop insecurities brought on by us or anyone else but always about HOW HEALTHY FEELS!!!

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