Monday, September 12, 2016


Feels GOOD to have finally figured out what was up with my blog! I'm baaaack!

It's GOOD.
Our workouts pushed on through the TX summer heat. It was tough but what isn't??
As for me, am I still Movin It?! Heck yes.
That balancing act is a work in progress...always will be but as I always say, it's not about perfection. The "perfection" thing just doesn't work for me- always ends with failure so instead I find BALANCE, both good & bad. I'm human! Yep, we all are ;)

What about my Mommas!?
Ohhh they're GOOD!
We just celebrated THREE YEARS as a workout group! Crazy, just crazy!
These ladies mean a LOT to me...
NEVER in my life have I been able to stick to something, keep my weight off and not get bored or tired of it! THEY changed me...entirely!
I look forward to exercise, look forward to new goals & adventures & I look forward to where these winding roads of life will take us!


- sooooo
If you missed me as much as I missed you- let's continue working hard & kicking butt TOGETHER!
"Like" The Move It Momma Facebook page for frequent updates...and motivation, of course ;)
Instagram: @moveitmarissa
Twitter: @TheMoveItMomma
Snapchat: move it marissa

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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