Friday, May 10, 2013

a CHALLENGE for you and your family!

If you haven't joined my whatsbeautiful Under Armour team, please do!  
Join "Move It Mommas" team HERE .  
You join, set personal goals and then request to be on my team!
I have some exciting challenges for the Mommas out there(of course you don't have to be a Mom) and I'd love for you to complete them with us!  I am really focusing my team goals on FAMILY!  Let's face it, the Moms are the ring leaders of the family so we are the positive role models our children need and look up to!  

Today's Workout: a 30 minute bag workout with my sidekick!  He loves to crank up the tunes and punch right along with me.  He gets upset that I won't allow him to lift weights with Momma, but I told him...the older he gets, the more he can participate!  Then it was 45 minutes of weights!  I have really focused on adding strength training about 3-4 times a week, along with my cardio.  I am one of those cardio junkies that would totally leave out strength training if I could HOWEVER I know it's important so I dedicate the time!  

A Challenge for you and your kids, grandchildren, nieces, nephews...whoever:
In our house we call it, "commercial competition" 
Basically during the commercial or homework/reading breaks, we EXERCISE!  It's not long, but it's effective and FUN!  As a group, we set each break up as follows,
At break #1 we'll do as many jumping jacks as possible in the given time.  If it's a commercial break, we go until the show returns but since we rarely sit around watching TV, we usually go along with music on my iPhone! At the chorus, we workout!  We make it competitive and see who wins...the faster we move, the harder we're working :) but the kids will obviously just see it as FUN!  Your family will be laughing, cheering and probably trying to out-work the others!  
Next break, a wall sit for the time allowed!  See who can hold it without stopping.  Maybe go lower on the wall, really challenge the family.  
Quick options: jumping jacks, jumping rope, sit ups, push ups, wall sits, hopping on one foot, burpees, mountain climbers...obviously as you improve, you will challenge the family with more intense moves but even jogging or marching in place!  It's a MUCH better option than sitting on the couch :) 

My workout buddy and I before an intense bag session!  
Why do I feel SO strong and tough when I strap on those gloves and punch the bag?  I LOVE IT!  

Since we've been making weekly Trader Joe's's about 30 minutes from home!  I decided to pick up a bag of brown rice pasta!  I've heard the hype and now I'm ready to taste it for myself!  
Hmmm, what to go with it?  
I've seen lots of sauces made with plain Greek yogurt, I'll let ya know what I create! 
*brown rice pasta is made from ground brown rice instead of wheat-like traditional pastas which makes brown rice pasta gluten-free.  A great alternative to those with celiac disease or any gluten sensitivities.

Exciting news to share:
I am a Bulu Box Ambassador!  

What is it?
 "Bulu Box is the best way to discover vitamin, supplement and health products. Each box is filled with 4 to 5 premium products selected to help you feel your best. Look forward to a new mix monthly for both women and men that include: vitamins, weight loss, energy, protein, digestion, sleep support and more."

It's a great way to TRY products before purchasing a large amount! I am looking forward to my first Bulu Box that I ordered last night :)
**To order go to my personal link HERE and use coupon code BULUGAN914  to receive your first Bulu Box FREE or $10 off any subscription!**

Disclosure:  I'm part of a sponsored campaign for the What's Beautiful program and I'd love for you to join my team.
I am a Bulu Box Ambassador that receives free subscription and commission for all sales through my site/coupon code.  All opinions are 100% mine. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun challenge! Congrats on being a Bulubox ambassador! I am one too:)
