Monday, May 13, 2013

the quick fix?

Is there a quick fix for weight loss?  
For toning up those problem areas?
Or a quick fix for getting off of high blood pressure medication or managing your diabetes?

I'm not a doctor but I'd say NO to all of the questions above.  And you?  
Unfortunately there's a reason that the health industry makes billions each year and a lot of it has to do with the HOPE of finding that "quick fix"...
Who wouldn't want to wake up and mysteriously be our "perfect" self?  
Quick usually means short-lasting results..meaning those results won't last long, AT ALL.  
But shouldn't we focus on first loving ourselves then on the lifestyle change that will impact our health and the health of our families?  YES! 
Then we'd need to change our thinking from the quick fix to thinking of the JOURNEY that lies ahead!

My personal experience with the "quick fix", 
I used to eat poorly throughout the week then on Sunday night I'd tell myself, tomorrow WILL be different.  I WILL eat right, get to the gym and change tomorrow!  
I'd last a day or two and then one, small kink in the road and I'd throw it all away.  
I wanted the quick fix.  I didn't want to make slow progress.  I thought I deserved more.  
The truth?  I always said tomorrow. Tomorrow would come and my same, old ways would creep in.
I put the weight ON by eating poorly and not exercising, so did I think it would magically fall off just because I wanted to lose the weight?  

When I stopped saying tomorrow and started living TODAY, my life changed! 
...and that's when yours will too :)
The journey is how we find ourselves and it's worth every second.  Don't you agree?  
NO EXCUSES!  There should be nothing standing in the way of you and your journey.  
Nothing stopping you from being the best you can be.  Get out there and PUSH!  Push hard and know from the start, there is NO quick fix but that's okay.  Accept that it will be work...hard work!  
I now use my emotions for my workouts.  They give me fuel!  When I go for a run or strap on my boxing gloves, it's time to PUSH!  When you get in that zone, there's nothing that can stand in your way.  I hope all people are able to experience that exercise "high"...where you could go for hours and the more you sweat, the harder you push!  Ahhh it's incredible right?  

And I can't help but notice those "lost" people as I once was, those that are waiting for their journey to begin...
Yesterday at our Mother's Day brunch we noticed so many (too many) overweight children.  They were eating all of the wrong foods, too much of those foods and it worried me.  
Did it worry me because I remember being that child?  A child at an endless brunch buffet that has emotional eating or portion control issues, can be a dangerous combination.  That was me.  
Did I worry because the children were only mocking Mom and Dad's behavior, which was also out of control?  I'm not sure. 
Did I worry because there's no way to help those that don't seek help?
Let me clarify, I do NOT judge others and their lifestyles.  
However when I see obese children that are clearly unhealthy that have piles of unhealthy foods on their plate and not one fruit or vegetable...I worry.  
I worry for all of our children, everywhere.  I just want them to understand how important their health should be.  How food habits and active lifestyles should start young as possible.  It's never too early to stress the importance of their health, their heart.  I watched too many children struggling because of their weight.  Struggling to fit in.  Struggling to be active with their friends, to play sports, to just BE a child.  And that worries me more than anything.  

Your thoughts?  

And now onto a challenge that I thought you might enjoy!  I have tried a lot of their products and have been impressed but I am really excited about this challenge!  Just another way for all of us to stay motivated and focused!  It started today, so there's still time!  HURRY!!  I like these online challenges to help keep me focused on my short and long-term goals!  
Here are the details if interested...

Plus they share a daily workout...I did this one today along with my outdoor run!

...and a yummy recipe!  So what's not to love?  And just in time for bathing suit season!!!  Eeek!

I hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day!! 
My husband and boys spoiled me rotten, so I feel very blessed.  I woke up to gifts, breakfast and coffee in bed!  My husband made me eggs and Ezekiel toast!  YUM!!   We were able to stick to healthy eats at brunch and enjoy lots of fresh fruit and steamed veggies!  Mmmm! See there are ways to eat healthy while out celebrating with family!  You just have to remember your goals and what you want out of your life.   
**You only get out of it, what you put into it...remember that!  

My hubby and I yesterday!  
Yes, I actually hopped out of the workout clothes for a bit and dressed up!  

And today's workout was AWESOME!  Perfect weather for an outdoor run, followed by the Designer Whey workout!  Anything that keeps you moving and dripping in sweat is a great workout to me!  


  1. Looks like a great challenge. It's so rare that we see photos of each other that we're not in workout clothes :)

    If there was a quick fix out there I would have found it!

  2. Great picture - I agree with Jill - I love seeing my blogger friends all fancied up.

    It didn't take 1 day for people to get unhealthy, it's not going to take 1 day to get healthy. But, it's so frustrating. I agree that I want the quick fix too. What I've found is that if I have a weekend worth of unhealthy eating, it takes almost 2 weeks to get the weight off. Ugh.

  3. I hate the quick fix mentality. and I hate the people out there that prey on people looking for a quick fix. Thanks for sharing the deisgner whey thing. That looks awesome.

  4. There is no such thing as a quick fix but so many people are spending billions of dollars to find it. Very sad, since eating right and exercise is the only answer and it's sitting right in front of their faces. That workout looks fun, I will have to try it out:)

  5. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is- there are no quick fixes! You have to make the journey to get the results you want! I am working on embracing the journey and not getting frustrated. Right now I am in taper mode and am not trying anything new as I am running my first marathon on Sunday. Next week is the beginning of stepping it up a notch like you did back in January! You have been such an inspiration! I spent some time over the weekend going back through your posts and making notes and writing down recipes to try. I am getting myself organized and am working on doing what I can that isn't too different leading up to our marathon. Once the marathon is over it is all on! Thanks for the inspiration and guidance!
    I have not tried the Disgner Whey products but I think I will have to find them to try. I also can't wait to try the workout- it looks great!
    I agree with you that anything that keeps you moving and dripping in sweat is a great workout. There is something so satisfying about dripping in sweat!
