Sunday, January 5, 2014

I am a runner!

The Commitment Day 5K was another huge success.   
This race photo perfectly summed up the day for ME-
I think it's safe to say that I AM A RUNNER.  
And this time I finally believe those words...
I placed 9th in my age group and finished in 29 minutes.  This is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  Running has a very special place in my heart, it has time and time again proven that I really don't know how strong I am until I push further...and further.  
I am not a runner because of my place or finishing time, I am a runner because I finally believe in myself and all that I am capable of.  

Nothing like a good reflection down memory lane right?  Here we the way, writing this out is like therapy for me :)  Glad you guys are there to listen!  

My first 5K was in March 2007 after my first son was born.  I HATED running.  It's okay to say that isn't it?  It is the truth.  It held only negative memories for me.  I remember as a child, I didn't want to be the "slow kid" so I'd make up an excuse to not run relays or ride my bike while my friends ran through the neighborhood-sadly, I thought of running as an obstacle that would make me look like the out of shape kid that I was so I avoided it every chance possible.  Here I was, 27 years old I had lost weight, changed my life, graduated with a degree in health and exercise and STILL I was terrified of running.  But why?  I was in far better shape, I was teaching aerobics part-time, working out 6 days a week, what's left to fear?  
Oh plenty...
There was failure and that was more than enough for me.
I was always setting myself up for failure before I began something new so why would running be any different?  It wasn't.  Here I was staring at a new obstacle and I was absolutely terrified.  
The good news?  I finished the race but hated every second.  :(  Yes, it's true.  I felt defeated, slow and all of those fears came rushing back into my life.  
Would I fight back?

I decided that instead of beating myself up over what I DIDN'T DO, I'd reflect on what I DID.  
And here I am today, still running but what has changed?  I LOVE IT.  I am a runner.  
Who would have thought?  
I find happiness in setting a goal and using my strong body, mind and determination to finish!
and that feels incredible to me.  
Of course I have times of doubt, where I struggle to finish but there's one thing for sure...
I WILL NEVER QUIT.  And I hope you won't either.  No matter what you set out to do, FINISH IT.  I think that's what I enjoy so much about running.  I sign up, I set the goal and I finish it.  I let nothing stand in my way, each mile is a reflection of the journey I am on and it feels so good.  I'm addicted.  LOL!  I am not fast.  I do not want to be the fastest, but I want to do MY BEST.  It's all I can ask for and I'm okay with that.  I signed up for my fourth half marathon today and I'm so excited!  
My first half marathon in 2012 I again let doubt, fear and failure get the best of me.  I did not enjoy the experience and beat myself up for DAYS about how "slow" I finished.  But why?  Why not reflect on the fact that the former fat girl-turned health nut FINISHED A HALF MARATHON!  I did it!  With the help of nobody else, I did it.  I didn't quit, I kept pushing forward although my body was hurting and doubt began to fill my mind, I FINISHED.  
Funny how powerful the mind can be, isn't it?  Part of my journey is accepting my faults and learning from my mistakes so the two half marathons I ran in 2013 were MUCH better.  Huge time for me to realize how far I've come, to be proud of who I am and what I can do!  
I want to share my love with as many women as possible to help them find passion in physical fitness and healthy living!  And I think by me sharing my honest, raw emotions with my local Mommas as well as all of you, I have inspired others to give running a try!  All I ask is that they TRY, they don't quit and they keep trying.  They may not grow to love it as I do, but they sure appreciate it!  My goal for the group is for us to run one race a month so the Commitment Day 5K helped us start off strong!  

Just look at these pictures...
If this doesn't show you how powerful running/exercise can be...I'm not sure what will!  
When I first saw these, I cried.  Tears of happiness, of course!  We are ALL beautiful, strong women.  We must truly believe in ourselves before the true change can occur.  Finding others that believe in us can be a powerful thing as well.  I honestly believe in these ladies, their strengths and what they are capable of accomplishing.  It's beautiful...
We were laughing, moments they said their bodies hurt and they were going to hurt me later BUT they thankfully did not follow through with that YET :) 

I wake up each day inspired by these women in my life.  I am inspired by all of you and your sweet comments that help me believe that my little blog is somehow helping you push through and find strength and determination to get healthy.  

We are all in in TOGETHER and WE WILL NEVER QUIT!  
Say it as many times as you need until you TRULY BELIEVE IT!  
What are your goals for 2014?  Are you a runner?  

Mmmm, recipe time!
This one is so easy it'll make your head spin...
Lots of Trader Joes items here so modify when necessary.  
The sauce is 1 can no salt diced tomatoes with sauce, 1/2 jar Organic no salt added marinara sauce from TJ's, two bags of frozen gumbo mix veggies, chopped onion and garlic and 1lb browned lean ground turkey.  To that mixture, add one package of TJ's turkey meatballs!  That's it.  This recipe took maybe 15 minutes TOTAL.  No excuses.  
I browned the turkey, added garlic and onion.  Dumped in the can of diced tomatoes and 1/2 jar of sauce, stirred and combined both packages frozen veggies, covered and allowed to simmer to thaw veggies.  Once mixture was hot and ready, I added turkey meatballs and simmered for an additional 20 minutes.  Serve with side salad and enjoy and for lunch leftovers I served this over 1/2 cup serving of brown rice pasta from Trader Joes :)

AMEN for Amenzone REBEL fitness DVD's!  
I burned over 500 calories on DVD 1 and can't wait to try the other.  Thank you Amenzone for sending these my way.  Great workout DVD's are hard to find, especially ones that are intense and burn a good amount of calories.  My only disappointment is that I was unable to use a tire when needed. I used 10lb weights instead and it worked great!  I felt good, it was definitely high intensity level and very motivating.  The music was good and I felt like it pushed me to my limits the entire 45 minutes.  
I think adding a tire would be really cool and I'd feel really STRONG!  Ha, a silly upset but maybe I can find one soon...
He focuses on the mind as well as the body, which is what I always focus on during my workouts so I really enjoyed that.  
The moves are performed and described before you begin and he gives a perfect amount of rest time between intervals/rounds.  
I had plenty of room in my living room to complete all of the movements and exercises so I'd highly recommend adding this DVD set to your collection.  
I would say it's more advanced, but there are ways to modify when necessary.  
I'll have to lend it to some of my local Move It Mommas to get their thoughts as well.  
Stay tuned...

My baked chicken and Asparagus with lemon juice 
It looks so small but it's on a bigger plate than usual so maybe that's why?  Ha!  
My chicken is on the "recipe" link and I hope you'll try. It's a family favorite that my kids enjoy and I like it because it doesn't take long to cook/prepare!  The Panko gives a good crunch and the small amount of extra virgin olive oil keeps it very moist and tender.    


  1. I love love love this post! I ran my first 5k last March and my first 10k in September and can't wait to see where this year leads me :-)

  2. so glad you learned to love running and are a runner. It really does bring a lot of joy doesn't it, and you learn a lot about yourself. Great job on your first 5k of the year and doing so well.

  3. You certainly are a runner!!! Great job on doing so awesome and really putting in the work! I love the pictures of your group!

  4. Congratulations. You sound and look so happy. 29 minutes. Awesome!
