Thursday, January 2, 2014


Quite a few changes took place in 2013!
Although my heart has been 110% about healthy living, my mind was getting the best of me.  

Last year on Jan 1st I made a commitment to myself.  I ran the race pictured below and knew I could do better.  I could push harder.  I could commit to my health EVEN more.  I took on the challenge not knowing where it would lead...
Fast forward to today.  
Oh how my life has changed.  My husband and boys are my world but my love of fitness has grown much more.  I have lost 50lbs, improved my 5K time from 36-38 minutes to 28-29 minutes and God has brought a group of amazing women into my life...The Move It Mommas.  
For 2014 my goals are not only for myself but also for these women and all of you who read my blog from around the world.  I want us to come together and PUSH ONE ANOTHER, REACH FURTHER and CONQUER MORE TOGETHER.  When we are our healthiest, our family benefits, our children benefit and we are that role model that our family deserves, that we deserve.  We are able to be more, experience more and live life to its fullest...allowing NOTHING to stand in our way when we are TOGETHER.  

So not only for my local women, for ALL OF US lets get together and make a change.  I use the hashtag on my social media, #themoveitmommas and if you'd like please use it to post recipes, workouts, motivation and MORE!  This way we're able to virtually inspire one another!  
Today is a great day to make a change.  NEVER QUIT and never give up!  You must continue your journey for a lifetime, always setting new goals and conquering new things!  

LEFT: Race day Jan 1, 2013 RIGHT: Race day Jan 1, 2014-50lb weight loss, I achieved 9th place in my age group with a PR of under 29 minutes on 3.2!  AND I WILL KEEP REACHING...
My 2014 long-term goals: Run 6 half marathons and my first triathlon, gain more muscle and decrease belly fat, motivate and inspire as many women as possible to live their healthiest life :)
I'll introduce you to some local Mommas that are putting their health as a priority!  Can't wait to see what is in store for these women in 2014!  I'm sure they will amaze me even more...if that's possible.  They are all beautiful inside and out, they are strong, determined and SO inspirational. My only regret is that all of you will not "know" them in person but I'll do my best virtually!

Meet Tammy. 
A mom to two, handsome boys.  She has lost 58lbs and completed a series that included 2 10k's and ended with her first half marathon across the largest bridge in Texas!  AMAZING right?  And her journey is only beginning.  She has many goals for the future and this year will bring so many exciting changes to her life and her health!  She is such a sweet person with a huge heart.  She motivates the group and keeps a smile on her face even while I'm pushing her beyond her limits! SO proud to call her a friend and fellow Move It Momma... 

Although the temps have been chilly, they come out and they keep reaching further and inspiring myself and one another :)  I WISH all of you could meet this amazing group of women...
All with their own story to tell, fears to overcome and goals to reach.  It really is INSPIRING just being around them, watching each of them push their limits and fight for what they want...

SO many physical and emotional changes with this group in 2013, which only means 2014 will be the year that The Move It Mommas take over the nation!?  Ha, well obviously I have BIG DREAMS for these stay tuned!!!

Meet Lisa.
I met her years ago, before my husband and I were married.  We met up again at my son's preschool and the rest is history.  She's a flight attendant/mother to a beautiful girl named Ella and a super strong woman!  She's a single mother who puts her daughter first and sets an outstanding example of putting others before herself.  She's so positive and full of life!  She has lost almost 30lbs since starting The Move It Mommas and beyond the physical changes, she has changed SO much on the inside.  She recently completed her first 5K and I can't wait to see what else she takes on this year!  Her confidence and energy levels, the smile that I wait to see each day, she brings so much to this group!  She pushes others and reminds me each day of how silly and foolish I am when I'm dancing around pretending every famous person wants to meet ME!  LOL!  
I am so proud of her and her journey is far from over...proud to call you friend, Lisa.  

Meet Jeri.
I met Jeri years ago.  I went to high school and was friends with her husband, Mark.  I ran into her husband at the grocery store, he realized I had lost quite a bit of weight and we started talking about my blog, workouts, healthy eating and more.  He immediately called Jeri and told her she should try it out!  She showed up and BAM! her results AMAZE ME!  She is a lean, mean strong machine!  She is full of energy and life, a great mother and friend!  She rocks the workouts and gives a whole, new meaning to the NEVER QUIT attitude!  I am convinced that I will have her running half marathons before 2014 ends so stay tuned.  
This girl may be petite but she's quite the fighter!  She goes beyond her limits with each class and claims that I'm the reason for her change BUT little does she know, I am inspired by HER :)

Meet Krystal,
I met Krystal last year when her son and my oldest were in kindergarten together.  She's super sweet and was my FIRST Move It Momma!  Yep, just her and I sweating like crazy at the park one day and I thought to myself, Wow! if I can motivate one woman then I've done my job and she LOVED IT!  I loved that she loved it and I loved it...BOOM! Although she lives pretty far from where we run boot camp, she has been putting in the work from her house eating healthy and stepping up her workouts!  SEE, it can be done without attending the workouts locally...
All it takes is determination and setting goals for yourself no matter the circumstances.  Amazing job, Krystal.  Thank you for being my first official Move It Momma and standing by my side!
I am hoping that I can share many more successes with all of you and that you are able to see how incredible these women are.  YOU are capable of so much more than you think.  Get your mind right, know that change is possible and the rest comes easy...well maybe not EASY but it will come.  If you have before/after and weight-loss successes please SHARE!  I'd like to feature all of us, TOGETHER!  When we know that we truly are IN THIS TOGETHER, I believe we'll find a beautiful support system in each other!  You appreciate the process a lot more when it's tough and on those really hard days when we want to quit and give up, we can lean on each other for support and inspiration.  If it was easy, all of us would be doing it and unfortunately it took me years to believe in myself and what I could accomplish.  I just needed one person to believe that I COULD do it and I was my hardest critic.  I didn't believe in myself so how could others?  
Make up your mind today and DO IT! 


  1. Great post - my goal for 2014 is to run a 10k. I couldn't fathom running a 5k last year and ran 4. Not sure I'm capable of more than a 10k - a half marathon sounds insane!! ha!

  2. Love seeing everyone accomplishment. Your all amazing. Keep it going.

  3. Such inspiring ladies! It's Nike cliche I know but it's true...Just Do It!

  4. Great work for a health you & the your friends. *cheers* Good luck in 2014 & stay healthy.
