sells active/outdoor gear and apparel at up to 70% off for women. It is a members-only site but the good news...membership is FREE!! And what I love most? They are all about helping women lead a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank on some great, active apparel! They carry some of the hottest brands and at a MAJOR discounted price, what's not to love? I'm up for supporting this company and their efforts to fight against breast cancer, what about YOU?The entire month of October, has pledged to donate $1.00 for every new member or facebook "fan" to help fight breast cancer. Like us on Facebook us on Twitter
Okay, so if that doesn't have you convinced then how about a pair of New Balance, Breast Cancer Awareness sunglasses? A $49.99 value and they can be yours FREE! Just enter to win!
Here's how to win: * You must do at least one of these and leave a comment for all that you do!! Good luck- Giveaway Ends October 31st, so HURRY!!!Head over to and sign up for a membership...remember, it's FREE and only takes a few seconds
Extra Entries:
Follow my blog and leave a comment (1 entry)
Follow me on Twitter- @TheMoveItMomma (1 entry)
Blog this giveaway and leave a comment with link (1 entry)
Tweet the giveaway( 1 entry)
Ooh, I'm giving these away on my blog, too, but want to win some! I followed Planet Gear on FB.
I'm a follower of yours!
I follow you!
I follow you on twitter!
I am tweeting it!
I joined Planet Gear!
I follow your blog!
I'll like Planet Gear and repost the giveaway on FB as soon as I get home (no access at work).
Linking your giveaway on my blog sidebar with all the others. I'm going to win one of these suckers!
I'm a follower :)
I liked PG on FB!
Linked the giveaway on my blog.
I follow your tweets!
I liked them on FB.
I signed up for a membership. They have some great stuff!!
I like planet gear on FB!!!
I'm a blog follower =)
I tweeted the giveaway!
I'm a new twitter follower =)
Love these glasses.
I am a P G member.
I follow you on Twitter
Linked your post to my blog sidebar.
Love the sunglasses! I followed planetgear on FB, followed you on twitter, followed Plantgear on twitter, followed your blog, tweeted the giveaway and blogged the giveaway! whew-i think that covers all entries..whoo hoo! Thank you also for stopping by my blog!
I could really use a pair of 'sport' sun glasses!!
I 'Like' Planet Gear on fb.
I'm now following your blog.
following you on twitter. ;)
Planet Gear is awesome, I'm a FB follower and a member! :)
I'm a blog follower now, thanks for the giveaway. :)
I also follow you on Twitter. :)
I follow your blog
I follow them on fb.
I liked them on FB (both blog and personal accounts)
I follow your blog! (And love it!)
Follow on Twitter @FamilyNLifeLV
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