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Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm a sweaty mess...

I look like this... because we enjoyed ourselves a little too much these past few days!

Friday we went to a really cool restaurant with my mom and ate chips and salsa with our meal!
Saturday, we woke up to my niece's b-day party filled with JUNK FOOD and of course, we didn't turn it down-and I think we might have even split a cupcake?! Whoops! And we won't even talk about the few beers I had around the pool yesterday!!

We usually control ourselves, but the hubby and I gave in to temptation A LOT this weekend :( Then last night we took the boys for Berrylicious yogurt and although it wasn't too terrible, it was TOO much in our weekend, that's for sure!

**I just ran 4 miles and hubby is out now doing the same!!! Here's hoping we have some better days ahead and we kick things back into gear with our eating! We just didn't have it together I guess, but we sure had fun being BAD!


Megan said...

Way to go! That's what's the best part about running. You can afford to do those things every once in a while. (unfortunately for me, it's not really every once in a while..)

Mommy Minded said...

I cant wait, I am getting back on the running train this week. I am scared that I am going to have to start totally over. I have ran in 2months. :(

Anonymous said...

You look so happy! One naughty weekend won't hurt anything, so enjoy!

Jess A @cajunrunnerjess said...

I agree with Megan! Run to eat! :)

kimert said...

We've had weekends like that many many times! Nice job getting in a run!

WannabeRunner said...

I'm guilty of weekends like this too - we are only human! :) Great job on the 4 miles!

Unknown said...

After traveling for work and getting totally off course, last week I got my work outs back on track, but not my eating. This week the focus is on diet. Good luck!