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Monday, October 17, 2011

a better day

Yesterday, my husband and I decided to take off for a short run TOGETHER! Together, meaning we START at the same point and he slowly flys ahead of me...and ugh, I don't see him again until the finish line! Ha! Anyway, I wanted to take it easy on my hip but was making pretty good time at 9:30/mile, so I kept going and make it 3 miles at that pace. I was proud of myself and guess what? No pain. Not sure if it was possible nerve being pinched, scar tissue(as my blogger friends' suggested) or something else, but so far I'm doing great. I had a little pain last night, but nothing major. Hoping that if I bounce back into my mileage this week, I'll be okay but don't worry, I'll be cautious and listen to my body!
Look at this sweaty mess after my run...
Oh and this coming weekend is the D'Feet breast cancer 5K at Moody Gardens-in Galveston, Tx and I'm looking forward to it! It's suppose to be a big race and I love the inspiration at these events! Lots of runners and survivors...all in one place. Pretty neat. It will be my friend's very first 5K, so I'm really excited for her and I know she'll do great!
Today's Workout: hasn't happened yet, but it'll be 5 miles this afternoon once it cools off out there! Seriously, it is suppose to be Fall and we're hitting 90 degrees today! Outta control! Then my husband and I will be working with our oldest on taking his training wheels off of his bike! Any suggestions? So far, we've been unsuccessful and for being a P.E. teacher, I stink at teaching a kiddo to ride a bike :( It's pretty pathetic, actually.
He wants a new bike for Christmas and we are determined to have him riding like a pro before Santa fulfills his wishes!

*Thank you for your comments on my injury. Means a lot to have all of your support and hopefully it was a temporary problem that will NOT return!


WannabeRunner said...

Wow, great job on your run!! I'm glad the pain subsided - hopefully it stays away!

Katie @ Will Race for Carbs said...

Glad your hip is doing better! And I have no suggestions for the training wheels. I think our kids are the same age but we are nowhere near being free from the training wheels yet.

Unknown said...

I was a P.E. teacher before I had kids and I hate it when I can't teach them something that I should be able to!

April Westerhold said...

I gotta get back to running after I stuff myself in Mexico all week. Of course, I will probably sweat alcohol during those runs for the first couple of weeks. LOL

Glad your hip is feeling better. I had lots of trouble with my hip when I was doing INSANITY but after finishing, it feels a lot better. I think it has something to do with impact.


Unknown said...

We just got my 7 yr old riding without training wheels this summer (well, I guess he was technically 6 at the time). He was just never that interested in it. I kind of approach training wheels like potty training - I never pushed either, as I figured that once the KID is really ready, they will learn to do it in no time, vs doing it when the PARENTS are ready and it being a much more stressful experience if pushed too soon.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I need to hear the bike riding tips too! I want to learn to ride one before I have to teach my child to ride one!