I am so passionate about fighting heart disease and ready to save lives...WILL YOU JOIN ME??!
Join The Move It Momma, the American Heart Association and Fitlosophy, inc. on friday, february 11, 2011 for the 2nd annual BLOG YOUR HEART OUT DAY! together we are asking bloggers around the globe to SPEAK UP about the # 1 killer of women -- heart disease. the good news is that by taking action here, we can beat that statistic!
How we can help save lives: Join the movement at goredforwomen.org
AND tell 5 other women the risks of heart disease and how it may be prevented!
This disease is SO very close to my heart, my grandmother battled heart disease for a long time, before her passing last year. I spend each day finding ways to raise a heart-healthy family in her memory and hope you will help fight heart disease on February 11th, right along with ME!
Will you join me?? How will you speak up about the #1 killer of women?!
I so will!
Could you tell your story on my blog? Leave it in the Blog your heart out post. On Fed. 11th I will send in all the stories. Thank you!!
I am a new follower of yours.
Thank-you for linking up with my food and health carnival.
Have a great weekend.
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
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