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Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter weekend!

After the Easter bunny gets here and brings goodies, we will go for a family run!  
I figure what goes better with Starburst JellyBeans and Reese's eggs than a good family run...right?  Ha!  
Truth is, I have to get my Jelly Bean 10K in there, and I thought a family run would start things off and then I can finish solo!  Also, I'm in charge of a great dessert for Easter and not sure where I wanna go with it?  Do I go full-fat and just have a small bite/piece or do I put my magical, healthy touch in there and every one enjoy a nice, light dessert for Easter?  Hmm, so many choices!!

Motivation for the week:  I've said it many times before, but reading all of your blogs totally motivates me each and every day!  I will have a day where I'm not quite feeling it, I read your recap of your first marathon, a great spin class, or an awesome ab workout and I'm off!  That's all it takes...maybe it's guilt?  peer-pressure?  Whatever it is, it works!!!  
Well, all of you AND the fact that I keep signing up for local races, and I have a mud run coming up in May...it all keeps me in check, that's for sure :-)
What keeps you motivated?

ready for some exciting news??
BobHarper.com is up and running...

New workouts are provided five days a week including three circuit workouts, a personal training session, and a 20-minute group fitness class led by Harper. All exercises are progressive and challenge every muscle to deliver results. 

Food & Lifestyle
Harper provides fresh recipes based on his personal food philosophies, along with kitchen demonstrations to promote ideas and healthy lifestyle tips that strengthen improved eating habits and lifestyle choices.

Every member has access to a journal for tracking meals and progress, as well as a community message board that offers interaction, support and inspiration.

About Bob Harper
Bob Harper, health and fitness guru of NBC’s worldwide hit, “The Biggest Loser,” is the brilliant force behind countless success stories from people who previously gave up on themselves, or had been written off by others. The success of the show and Harper’s brand has led to the creation of his own DVDs, supplements, books, motivational speaking engagements and personal appearances. Harper is CrossFit certified, as well as certified with the American Fitness Training of Athletics and with Aerobics and Fitness Association of America.

For more information about Bob Harper, please visit www.bobharper.com and www.facebook.com/mytrainerbob.  


Rachelle Q said...

Have fun with your Jelly Bean run this weekend! I am going to have to check out Bob's site! Exciting!

Kathy said...

I'm going to check out Bob's site too - I've been doing some of his DVD's lately and whew! I thought Jillian was tough! They are no joke!

Nadine said...

I did the jelly bean 10k earlier this week, the 21k bike ride yesterday and th whale marathon run today! Ah. Hoping to do the 5k on Sunday!

Happy Easter!

Samantha said...

Happy Easter!
Bob looks so good in that picture! I'll have to check out his site! Thanks

Emily - faliLV said...

I hope you had a great Easter! I can't tell you how much I love Bob!!